Hi, I am Kim Kogane

Storyteller, Author, and Intuitive Guide Igniting Possibility and Wonder From Within.

About Me

Hey! I’m Kim

And I want you to experience all that life has to offer (you deserve for all of your wildest dreams to come true!)

I am endlessly curious and love to dive deep. (A long conversation over a leisurely coffee is my love language.) For the last 10 years, I’ve explored all kinds of healing modalities, spiritual systems, and personal growth frameworks searching for answers and trying to figure out how to create the life I’d been dreaming about. Each time I tried something new, I always came to the same conclusion. I already have all the answers I need and you do, too!

You don’t need any fancy trainings or to develop the perfect morning routine in order for your dreams to come true. I’m here to help you discover all the magic that already exists within you.


  • Kim's writing is charming and smart; the corners of your mouth turn upwards as you read, because you just know she gets "it"... life, as we're experiencing it collectively. Whether it's one of Kim's journals, a work of fiction, or podcast show notes, you get the feeling that through Kim's writing, you know yourself more deeply.

  • When I read Kim’s words it feels like we’re having a face to face conversation. She writes about being present and still and how to be introspective, all with a pause that I can’t help but feel…like she’s making sure I’m paying attention. Kim’s voice is authentic, intuitive, gentle, relevant, reverent and more than anything, necessary. Pay attention.

  • Every time I listen [to The Kim Kogane Show], I feel less alone in my life path whether it’s a guest show or with Kim’s reflections on her own journey. It leads to a little bit of healing for all of us with every new episode. Thank you for sharing with us!

You are creating the life of your dreams

You are creating the life of your dreams

✦ You are creating the life of your dreams ✦ You are creating the life of your dreams

Work With Me
Feeling alone on your journey?



Connect Awaken Dream

Resources to help you invite the magic back into your life.


The Kim Kogane Show


Take a moment to pause. Let go of the hustle of modern life. Find comfort in knowing you’re not alone.

Each Episode is intended to feel like a deep exhale.