Stories and Musings Channeled from Within
Newsletter Archive No. 05 - Beaches, bonfires, and bullshit
Every June, like clockwork, I fall into a pit of sadness. I start to panic about having plans and making the most of my summer. My future happiness and success are now solely based on how many beach bonfires I’ve been invited to. (If you’re wondering, the answer is, and always has been, none. In fact, I’m not sure I even know beach bonfire people. (It's a rigged game.)
Newsletter Archive No. 04 - What is your guilty pleasure?
Opening up my Zillow app and perusing new listings while sipping coffee has become part of my morning ritual. I’ll look at a listing and try to picture myself there. How would I arrange the furniture? What decor would I need? Which nearby coffee shop would become my spot? If I moved to New York, what would the New York version of me be like?
Newsletter Archive No. 03 - Are you like me?
I’ve never had an affinity for crazy plot twists. I always look a movie up on IMDB before watching, and these days I prefer to rewatch a familiar show over seeing something new. Maybe that’s why I love rom-coms so much. There’s a certain comfort in knowing the story will be tied up in a nice little bow by the end.
Newsletter Archive No. 02 - I was about to delete everything
You might be wondering what kittens have to do with crutches. The short version is that my cat went into labor the night before I had ankle surgery, and I welcomed two kittens and two crutches into my life simultaneously. The long version of how this all happened is quite a story in itself and maybe I’ll tell you someday. Right now I want you to join me on another journey.
Newsletter Archive No. 01 - In my kittens and crutches era
You might be wondering what kittens have to do with crutches. The short version is that my cat went into labor the night before I had ankle surgery, and I welcomed two kittens and two crutches into my life simultaneously. The long version of how this all happened is quite a story in itself and maybe I’ll tell you someday. Right now I want you to join me on another journey.